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Certificates | Rasmus' Ramblings on IT and other stuff
Apr 172018

I had some problems with the various PowerShell and bash samples in the Microsoft documentation on how to create a certificate chain for use with the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service. Why did it have to be so complicated to get started with X.509 based authentication towards DPS?

What if I wrote my own program to create the root certificate, some intermediaries, and could also create device certificates? I set out to do that.

In the end, it turned out to be not that hard. .NET Core 2.0 has some new classes to help with certificate requests, so it isn’t necessary to call into native Windows libraries or use an extra library like BouncyCastle etc. Continue reading »

May 032013

I can’t believe its already been three years since I installed our first Lync 2010 edge server, but the certificate expiry is in the near future, so the time has passed quickly.

The documentation for the certificate request, generation and assignment was flaky, so I had to dig deep in my mind to drag out what to do when installing a certificate in Lync, especially the Lync edge server. If you are also having problems remembering what to do, or you have never tried it before, then this blog post is for you.

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