Aug 212014

Jeg har haft en del problemer med at få MMS opsætningen på min Nokia 630 Dual SIM til at virke. For det første er den ikke til salg i Danmark, så der er ikke nogen operatører der har vejledninger på præcis den telefon. For det andet er TDCs og Yousee’s vejledninger til Windows Phone opsætning misvisende eller forældede og direkte forkerte.

Med lidt trial and error er det lykkedes mig at kunne sende og modtage MMS’er på begge SIM kort (det ene er til arbejde, det andet er privat).

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Feb 052013

If you need to debug Lync Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012, you are best of running it on a full server UI (not Server Core or the minimal UI).

I have experienced that without it, the Snooper tool won’t be able to show you a parsed view of the log files, only the raw logs.

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Aug 162012

Update 2015-08-19: This also applies to Windows 10.

I installed Windows 8 last night when it came out. I used the Enterprise edition available through my company’s MSDN subscription.

Windows installed in about 20 minutes which was quite good I think. Boot time has also improved – but that is really only something that can be determined after a while, when all programs have been installed.

The Windows activation failed. It kept coming with an error code 0x8007007B “The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”.

I figured that couldn’t be right. And “Why wasn’t I prompted for a product key during installation?”. The Windows Activation control panel applet showed the last five characters of a product key which didn’t match the one I had retrieved from MSDN. After searching for somewhere in the GUI to enter a product key, I gave up and reverted to the command prompt.

The “slmgr.vbs” tool is your friend for Windows activation issues. It lets you display detailed information on the activation state, clear a product key, change the product key, reset/rearm the licensing state to extend the activation grace period, and more. Just type “slmgr” from a command prompt to see the command line options:


There are several more options displayed after you hit OK.

I tried to activate from the command line using”slmgr /ato”, but that failed with the same error code as the GUI applet.

Then I decided to change the product key to the one I got from MSDN using the command “slmgr /ipk <Product Key>” (substitute with your own key). – This requires running slmgr from an elevated prompt.

After changing the key, I was able to activate Windows using “slmgr /ato”.